Monday, March 24, 2008

Canto de Andar

It has been quite sometime since I've put something to put on my blog. I wanted to write about Malaysian political situation right now but it obviously takes quite an amount of research to get some substantive points out of the box. I also wanted to write more about Rachel Corrie but it also demands some amount of research so that thoughts regarding her stories would be worth to ponder about. So, after going through few mind-circus and contemplation (and a certain amount of randomness), I decided to end up writing about a Galician* song namely *Canto de Andar by Luar Na Lubre.

Well, it would be best if you listen to the "song" yourself in the first place:

Not familiar with the Galician language? Me neither. This is the lyrics that I found in YouTube, thanks to shangqinli:

Amence pasenino nas terras do solpor
As bretemas esvaense coas raiolas do sol
Meu amor, meu amor, imos cara o maior
Mina amada, meu ben, imos polas terras do Alen
Acarina o silencio e escoita o corazon
Que moitos dos teus sonos latexan ao deu son
E tempo de camino andar e de non esquecer
Que o futuro que ha de vir e o que has de facer
E o sol vai silandeiro deitandose no mare
Facendonos pequenos con tanta immensidade

And here's the English translation and a credit to lamarga1 (I have edited it a bit to make it sounds nicer in English):

It is dawning slowly in the lands of the sunset
the -- fade with the first sun rays
My love, my love, we go to face the age
My beloved, my sweetheart we're going through the lands of Alen.
Caress the silence and listen to your heart
Because most of your dreams beat at the same song
And it's time to go across the way
And not to forget the time that will come and what you have to do.
And the sun goes silent, delighting in the sea,
Making us small with so much immensity.

*Canto = a long epic poem, Latin cantus, "song" (Wikipedia)
*Andar = to walk, to function, to do, to go along, to be (

I am posting this song because it is for me, a rare piece of love song where the singer actually advises his/her lover about the philosophy of life. Hmm... I think we didn't get to hear that too often in the lust-ridden, beauty-worshiping contemporary love songs the TVs, the radios, the I-Pods, and the internet are feeding us today.

Have peace listening to it! :)


mao said...

Muy interesante shazani! Ahora, tengo un blog tambien. Yo pongo su blog esta en mi pagina.

Hasta luego!

*kesimpulannya, aku baru buat blog.hehehe

Gowhere? said...

hey great blog!

Unknown said...

Galician is NOT a variant of Spanish

Faelarwen said...

Thank you for the translation! I love this song i don't really know the meaning of it. It's such a beautiful song. Thank you again! ^_^

Rui Santos Silva said...

"bretemas" means "bliss".
you can now complete the translation.

best regards

Rui Miguel