I wish to inform those who know me that I will be going to the United States to further my studies as follow:
Date of departure: August 9th, 2006 (Wednesday)
Time: 9:40am
Flight from KLIA, Kuala Lumpur to LAX, Los Angeles.
I will be leaving Kuching for Kuala Lumpur at August 4th, Friday.
Also, I wish to extend my apologies to all for all my mistakes that I have done, either intentionally or unintentionally.
And I wish to thank you all for all the contributions, knowledge and experience that we have shared together.
Kepada geng2 ex-TUNAZ 2004,
Razi, ejul, awang, boss, muni, dan geng2 mciium... All da best in study. Mun ktkorg dah nak nikah lak boh lupak ngan aku.. antar kad.... hehehehe...
Mardi, Nurul and Rabiatul... Thanks a lot tiga sekawan. Dah jiwang ktkorg kinek tok oo... You girls have indeed given me the colors and spice of life.
Sapwan, salmi, n lyn... all da best in your studies! Sap, tahan sikit gik avalanche kat AUSMAT ya... lyn pun sama juak... ku tauk IB is not an easy course. Salmi... mun dh pande klaka jepon klak ko jd translator aku dlm movie kartun jepon, keyh! hehehehe...
N kpd lain2 yang sik disebut namanya d ctok, all the best in your endeavors! Kelak kita polah reunion TUNAZ, keyh!
To intec frenz...
ATU 12 mates...
especially my roomates... nizam n farid yg poyo n jiwang n mat bunge.... thanks for everything... sorry for all my mistakes 2u all... bilik 303 dlm kenangan
ATU 12 Hi-comms... nice working with u guys...
ATU 12 A (1st sem): it has been great knowing lots of incredible u guys n girls. Keep in touch!
ATU 12 F (2nd sem): heheehe... unforgettable living theather of life remains here... my apologies for my shortcomings both personally and as a class rep. Kpd kump 'gerak khas' - (org2 yg terase tu paham2 je la...) it has been great knowing u guy and girls... jgn diteruskan aktiviti seumpama itu! :P
ATU 12 C (3rd sem): aisey... kawen3x n psych... heheehe... worth utilizing d knowledge for our living! Though the time is short, it has been memorable knowing u people; completing the final sphere of ATU semester.
Silat Cekak Coaches and Members:
Abang Hardi, Abang Putra, Abang Yusry and jurulatih2 lain yg dikasihi,
Terima kasih di atas tunjuk ajar di dalam silat cekak selama ini. Kpd Abang Hardi, TAHNIAH kerana dah jadi BAPAK!!! Huhuhuhuhu....
Afiq, Fakarul n Nabil... Hehehe... teruskan pjuangan sbg senior dlm silat!!! korg ler harapan silat nak survive utk bln2 mendtg...
Wani, intan, shafini, syieq... korang pon same gak... rajin2 turun lthn tau! :p
Athiyah, Anis, Pao, Mas n other russian juniors... Korang pun dh nk fly kan? So, blajarlah silat btol2 sempena korg msh ade kat intec tu. Pao n anis, thanks for the adorable present that u giv me! :)
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